in front of you are two buttons. the first button saves halo and returns it to it's golden age with the OG crew back at it to make halo great again. the second button kills everyone in /hg/. Which button do you press?
the first button
5 votes (56%)
the second button
4 votes (44%)
9 total votes
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1 day ago
1 day ago
Xbox Logo. Open on a modern day parking lot. Captain James Cutter, in UNSC naval dress, is standing by a used car at a car dealership. The salesman is the Jiralhanae Atriox, wearing a tie and carrying a clipboard. Atriox: This baby's yours for 6K. Do we have a deal? Cutter: Three. Atriox: SIX! Cutter: I will get this car for 3K, and this is how... Quick fade, then cut to the two at the car. Cutter starts to turn to leave. Cutter: (voiceover) I'll open with a strategic withdrawal. Atriox: Wait, wait. Whoa
1 day ago
wait, hold on. Cutter: (voiceover) You counter with a disinformation campaign. Atriox: I'll talk to my manager and see what I can do. Cut to inside Atriox's office. Nobody is inside but him. The wall is decorated with sales plaques and a dartboard picturing the Prophet of Regret. Atriox: Just a little longer... Cut to Atriox's POV, as he watches Cutter on his security screen while he hums to himself. Cut back to Atriox. Atriox: I'm talking to no one. Cut back to outside. Atriox is back by the car with Cut
1 day ago
ter. Atriox: Great news! He said we could do 599...9. Cutter: (voiceover) Then, I'll bait you with psychological warfare. Cutter: Lemme talk to him. (gestures at an inflatable airdancer.) He seems more flexible. Atriox: A pun?! You know I hate puns! You catty little two-faced double opposable thumbed... Cutter pulls out his phone and begins recording Atriox while the Brute continues to rant. Cutter: (voiceover that overlaps Atriox yelling which makes it illegible) You will attempt a verbal assault.
1 day ago
Atriox: I will tear your head off! Cutter, still recording, turns to show himself in front of Atriox. Atriox: -and hang it from the rearview like a f-! Atriox abruptly stops as he turns to see a man and young woman overhearing him. The father pulls his child away from the yelling Brute. Cutter: (voiceover) ...with collateral damage. Atriox: Ohhhhh no... sorry. Came off wrong. Cutter: (voiceover) The evidence of which will not look good in my online review. And that's how I'll get this car for 3K. Fade
1 day ago
cut back to the present, which Cutter having executed his plan. Atriox hangs his head in defeat. Atriox: Well played. How about a warran- Cutter, in the driver's seat of the car, hands Atriox's clipboard back to him. Cutter: Warranties are for suckers. Cutter tosses the pen behind him and starts to drive away. Atriox: (speaking rapidly) All-sales-are-final-no-takebacks-no-substitutions-no-trades. The car's rear bumper falls off. Cutter stops as the engine begins to smoke. Atriox laughs to himself. KNOW
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
I'm the most popular & important /hg/ user by far and I'm not in the discord. In fact, this is my first time hearing about it. So you can consider this official confirmation that it's a secret club. Full of disgusting Floridian midget hobbit discordies who share photo and jjab tweets with each other all day long. 'nuff said!
1 day ago
I voted 3 times btw
1 day ago
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