I'm moving from a Democratic Super Majority City to a Republican Majority Town in the Republican Majority Town it's run down and business's are scamming people and doctor's are doing a terrible job in the town. What do you think of this?
Shame but everyone usually moves at some point.
2 votes (100%)
Vote out the Republicans when you move to your new house.
0 votes
Moving from the Big City to a Rural Town is going to be a real shock for you.
0 votes
Don't tell your new neighbors your not a Republican. Being in the Opposition in a Rural Area usually doesn't end up good.....
0 votes
2 total votes
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9 hours ago
Some people may think I'm dumb for doing this but I'm keeping my Doctor's and Doctor Specialist's and Dentist in my Town I'm moving away from. They are doing a good job and I'm finally getting treatments that my former Doctor's and former Dentist's and former Doctor Specialist's ignored for years. (It will be a bit of a drive but idc) I rather have a good doctor and travel then have a bad doctor and live really close to them.
9 hours ago
But what ever town I'm moving too (Not saying the name of it for privacy reasons) I found out the Republican Party is in the Majority of the Local Government. And I'm not too happy about it. You'd think I would be with them offering tax cuts and less government and ect. But the Republican Super Majority State Government has been corrupt in my State for the past 10+ years now. I just want to oust the Republicans and put them in the Minority and put the Opposition or an Independent Candidate in charge.
9 hours ago
It'd be better if Trump wins the Republican Party Ticket. it will crash and burn the Republican Party. Who'd vote for a criminal to be President of the USA? I know I won't. And if you claim he's not a criminal then you are obviously brainwashed by far-right wing media.
9 hours ago
For those who claim Trump isn't a Criminal why'd he try to stop Biden from being President on January 6th 2021? And why did he plead the 5th Amendment and is going out of his way to try to beg the Judge to not hold the trial till after the 2024th Presidential Elections? And when Trump was President he said if your innocent he said you wouldn't be pleading the 5th amendment so I guess he is guilty of something.....
9 hours ago
Pretty sure this doesn't help Trump's Case. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-live-in-france_n_64d331fee4b0677e50455bc8 I hope Current French President Emmanuel Macron denies him entry into France.
9 hours ago
U.S. Congress should do their job for once and actually charge a President who committed a crime instead of giving him/her a slap on the wrist at the U.S. Senate.
9 hours ago
They should make Trump a Flight Risk and deny him access to fly for his comment about wanting to live abroad. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-live-in-france_n_64d331fee4b0677e50455bc8 hopefully France doesn't let Trump in. They already have a crazy to deal with who's trying to become President of France her name's Marine Le Pen she promised to leave the European Union if she won the French Presidency.
9 hours ago
I thought Trump wanted to put America First. Is he getting scared he may be going to Prison? https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1688994544858083328?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1688994544858083328%7Ctwgr%5E84c038e31daeaaeb996f780addfd781059d57099%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Ftrump-live-in-france_n_64d331fee4b0677e50455bc8
9 hours ago
Please just throw this man in jail already till his Court Date. If he's talking about wanting to live in France and promising to violate the Protective Order it's a sign he need's to be in jail till his Court Date. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-promises-to-violate-protective-order-attacks-judge-new-hampshire-1234803005/
9 hours ago
The Republican Party won't get my vote as long as they are supporting Trump.
7 hours ago
This Answer on Quora actually answers the question if a Former U.S. President could live overseas quite well. https://www.quora.com/If-a-former-president-decides-to-live-in-another-country-does-he-still-get-secret-service-protection#:~:text=As%20a%20practical%20matter%2C%20no,the%20job%2C%20and%20many%20enemies. No Former U.S. President has tried but I assume the Secret Service would cut protection if they were even allowed too since they can only operate in the United States unless they are following the
7 hours ago
current U.S. President in Office to the Country he/she is heading too.
7 hours ago
So if Trump did move to France like he's bragging about here https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-live-in-france_n_64d331fee4b0677e50455bc8 and was allowed too I assume the Secret Service would either cut protection for him or he would be denied from leaving the USA for security risks as stated in this persons answer on Quora. https://www.quora.com/If-a-former-president-decides-to-live-in-another-country-does-he-still-get-secret-service-protection#:~:text=As%20a%20practical%20matter%2C%20no,the%20job%2C%20a
7 hours ago
Reposting since the link cut off. https://www.quora.com/If-a-former-president-decides-to-live-in-another-country-does-he-still-get-secret-service-protection#:~:text=As%20a%20practical%20matter%2C%20no,the%20job%2C%20and%20many%20enemies.
7 hours ago
Go ahead and post why you think Trump is an innocent and honest man if you are still trying to defend him. Because why would someone brag about moving overseas, try to prolong the court date, and try to go judge shopping and possibly lie to the judge?
7 hours ago
My Republican Governor is doing something similar and he somehow is getting away with it. Thankfully he's term limited and is forced to leave office in 2026. Hopefully the Democratic Party or a 3rd Party/Independent Candidate wins the Governor's Office. The Republican Party ruined my U.S. State. And here I am moving to a Republican Majority Town. ;-;
7 hours ago
I'm probably going to drive to my former town for work. My New Town I'm moving too hardly has any jobs. I'm not going to help them out unless I'm turning an Office Seat from Red to Blue.
2 minutes ago
The Republican Party already ignores the rule of law if they weren't they wouldn't be trying so hard to block alternative ways to voting and banning gerrymandering. Alaska passed rank choice voting but the Republican Party in Alaska is trying to reverse it.
1 minute ago
My former Republican Governor banned gerrymandering but they ignored the gerrymandering ban and still do it.
4 seconds ago
Every vote against the Republican Party is a win till they change their ways and stop supporting Trump.
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