625 days ago
Go back to school and learn how to read you probably bought your high school diploma from ebay. And if you have to keep coming back just to post you ain't reading then your too dumb since you probably did.
622 days ago
Grind fat people into pig feed
617 days ago
My only issue with people 600+ is they claim it's too hard and they can't give up their favorite foods. If they truly wanted to drop the weight they'd drop going to McDonald's or Burger King or other fast food places.
617 days ago
It's good they made this a docomentary tv show but some just outright ignore the doctors orders which makes them being in the show pointless.
616 days ago
What people don't say is doctors can only do so much. It's up to the patients if they want to follow the doctors, surgeons, specialists, orders.
616 days ago
They can't make you do the treatments but I guess it depends on the country but besides that it's up to the patient to follow their providers orders and many on this docomentary show have proven they don't want too.
616 days ago
A majority of the 600+ stars it's probably 50/50 since they backslide then bounce back. But some just outright ignore the doctors orders and get upset when they are kicked out of the program.
616 days ago
As a person looking into becoming a doctor and maybe specialist I can't blame Dr.Now for having a tough program. Why? 2 reasons. Some 600+ patients it's unsafe to operate on and say he did operate who's to say they won't fall back into their food habits? Got to prove your serious to the surgeon if you want weight loss surgery.
616 days ago
Also I like how he says it straight up and doesn't try to suger coat anything when he's on camera.
616 days ago
The world could use more surgeons like that.
616 days ago
But as far as I've seen it's Steven and his brother Justin like I been saying who are the worse on the my 600+ life show. But Steven is worse off.
613 days ago
This show made me want to stop buying fast food. All I mainly get nowadays is a coffee and maybe a sandwich but that's it. Seeing how much fast food these people eat turned me off from fast food. I rather eat at home. (Luckily I know how to cook)
613 days ago
I get strange looks since I drink my coffee straight black without no cream or sugar. I even get strange looks from my own family lmao. It must of skipped a generation. Grandparents drank Black Coffee, Parents hated it, I love it.
613 days ago
The lady who used an electric cart as her car to go buy McDonalds was just e.e to me. But Steven Assanti deserves the most votes. You can read my posts about him above.
613 days ago
But he abuses the Hospital Staff and and doesn't listen to the Surgeon and get's kicked out of the Hospital and cries and pleads to stay but the Surgeon did right by kicking him out. The Hospital Staff didn't need that abuse from him.
613 days ago
If I get a job at a Hospital if I get my Doctor's Degree I would of kicked him out too or any patient in general if they were abusing the Hospital Staff like that and they were complaining to me. The Hospital Staff doesn't deserve that kind of abuse that Steven Assanti was giving them.
613 days ago
But unless Steven Assanti got his act together I won't be surprised if get's only dislikes.
613 days ago
But it's up to everybody who goes on this show to follow his diet plan he gives you just like your going to a regular doctor's office. Or you could quit but if your 600+ Pounds I'd recommend following the doctor's advice. Especially the Doctor that appears on My 600lb Life. He obviously knows what he's doing if he want's proof your committed to it before doing the surgery.
586 days ago
you fat nugga
585 days ago
^^^^^^^ I never once said I was 600+ pounds I'm not saying my weight either since it's none of the Internet's business. But I assure you trolls I'm not 600+ pounds. If I was I couldn't do the career choice I want and I'd probably be dead since I get sick easy.
585 days ago
And the guy in the YouTube links who's 600+ pounds he's hated for his drug addiction and mental problems. He even gave Dr.Now some problems on the show which is why he's one of the most hateful people on this show.
585 days ago
There are some people who are hated but Steven Assanti is in the top 5
585 days ago
But on poll ops poll he's currently the number one hated person
585 days ago
But I still stand by what I said above. He made the right decisions on blocking his health insurance since he was abusing it to go to the hospital and for him kicking him out of the hospital since he abused the hospital staff. They don't deserve to be mistreated.
585 days ago
^^^^^ He had Medicaid so he was allowed to deny it and since it was Texas they had no problem since they are stingy on giving people Medicaid.
585 days ago
And since he was wasting TLCS time it's not surprising why he got kicked from the weight loss program.
585 days ago
And since Dr.Now probably didn't want to waste their time or have his time wasted either he had to make the hard decisions with these food addicts
63 days ago
/=uck you to he||, |\|iggers
43 days ago