Who should we impeach for the creation of "The Other Shitty Teen Fic" aka a fic where Tsubasa bangs Ogawa while Chris and Maria listen from the next room over
/u/SuperViper for writing the fic
3 votes (5%)
/u/Zaphodbeebblebrox for pushing them to write it
4 votes (7%)
Appoint /u/SuperViper as minister of fanfiction
14 votes (25%)
/u/lilyvess for messing up her original post
12 votes (21%)
A pox on both their houses
9 votes (16%)
/u/lilyvess for attempting to undermine CDF's freedom to write fanfics
11 votes (19%)
Great fic, more of it! No Impeachment.
3 votes (5%)
Everyone! Even those that have nothing to do with the fanfic..
1 vote (2%)
57 total votes
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