Which one of these choices best describes your household income? (Not your personal salary, but how well off your household as a whole is.)
Extreme poverty: Homeless or close to it. Potentially on financial assistance such as welfare, food stamps with little financial support from any wealthier friends or family.
Poor: We don't have much but we get by and make due with what we have. Not on government assistance, or could get by without it if necessary.
Middle class: We do well for ourselves even though we aren't rich. We have stable jobs with decent incomes. We can afford things such as newer cars or a moderately sized house.
Upper-middle class: Our family or household is better off than most. We can afford larger sized houses and have fairly well paying jobs. Most people cannot afford the lifestyle we live, but we're not to the point to where money is never an issue. We can vacation often and enjoy the finer things in life.
Upper class: Fairly rich. Money is rarely if ever an issue and we can afford to live nearly however we please. We can afford more rare and expensive cars and goods that the vast majority of people cannot buy. The world and the activities it offers are largely at our liesure to enjoy and we have one or more people brining in extraordinarily extreme amounts of money to maintain this lifestyle.
Top 1 percent: My wealth is well guarded and we are seen as a serious threat or benefit to entire industrial sectors of the economy. Our money can leverage changes in history and we routinely use it as a form of maintaining power and control over many businesses. We likely have bodyguards or some sort of security agency to keep us safeguarded.
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Extreme poverty: Homeless or close to it. Potentially on financial assistance such as welfare, food stamps with little financial support from any wealthier friends or family.
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Poor: We don't have much but we get by and make due with what we have. Not on government assistance, or could get by without it if necessary.
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Middle class: We do well for ourselves even though we aren't rich. We have stable jobs with decent incomes. We can afford things such as newer cars or a moderately sized house.
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Upper-middle class: Our family or household is better off than most. We can afford larger sized houses and have fairly well paying jobs. Most people cannot afford the lifestyle we live, but we're not to the point to where money is never an issue. We can vacation often and enjoy the finer things in life.
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Upper class: Fairly rich. Money is rarely if ever an issue and we can afford to live nearly however we please. We can afford more rare and expensive cars and goods that the vast majority of people cannot buy. The world and the activities it offers are largely at our liesure to enjoy and we have one or more people brining in extraordinarily extreme amounts of money to maintain this lifestyle.
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Top 1 percent: My wealth is well guarded and we are seen as a serious threat or benefit to entire industrial sectors of the economy. Our money can leverage changes in history and we routinely use it as a form of maintaining power and control over many businesses. We likely have bodyguards or some sort of security agency to keep us safeguarded.
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