Why do we hate Towa again
She's a bitch
0 votes
She's a whore
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I love Towa
0 votes
Towa...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. Hololive is just made to make her out as the slut, when really she's no worse than any of the 'idols' and a better person than most of them. What are the main complaints? She masturbated guys on stream and lied about it? Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking masturbated guys on stream. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She just saw them doing it. Let me ask you this. WHO IN HOLOLIVE DOESN'T WANT TO MASTURB
0 votes
Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa Towa To
0 votes
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Only people with micropenis hate her or any holo
0 votes
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Fuck your polls you faggot
0 votes
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